About HealthLink.ng

It’s quite easy to find health and medical information online. But when it comes down to health and medical information that is created with Nigeria and Nigerians in mind, finding trustworthy sources is hard. Most health blogs run by Nigerians feature loads of unsubstantiated, opinionated, and blatantly false information that can mislead innocent readers.

HealthLink Nigeria was created to change all of that.

We’re providing trustworthy, evidence-based health and medical information that is tailored for Nigerians. And we’re making the information easy to understand, so you can make well-informed health/medical decisions for yourself and your loved ones.

We simplify complex medical topics and avoid unnecessary jargon, so you can relate well to the information and confidently take due action. Whether you’re looking for evidence-based details of certain disease conditions or expert-backed guidance on nutrition, drugs, and other health-related matters, we’re here for you.

We always address total well-being and help you connect your health to your lifestyle. This is called “whole person health”. We understand that the journey is different for everyone, so we try to be inclusive and ensure empathy as much as possible.

Our Mission

To become your most trusted source of health and medical information that is written for Nigerians in particular.

Our content creation process

HealthLink Nigeria’s editorial and medical teams are committed to creating and publishing quality content based on both research-based evidence and professional experiences. We do our best to provide detailed, unbiased, honest, and comprehensive guidance and actionable steps.

Our team of experts

The content on the HealthLink Nigeria website is created, reviewed, and fact-checked by a team of qualified medical and health writers, medical practitioners practicing in Nigeria, and other contributors. When necessary, we consult third-party seasoned medical experts to give more insights on certain topics.

Our robust review process

All medical information on HealthLink Nigeria is reviewed by medical professionals for correctness or fact-checked by seasoned editors for accuracy.

Our writers

HealthLink Nigeria carefully assesses all potential health/medical writers before bringing them on board. Our writers are majorly clinical-year medical students and practicing medical practitioners with extensive experience in clinical practice, research, and patient advocacy.

Our references, sources, and citations

Because we have zero tolerance for unproven health or medical information, we have strict sourcing guidelines and rely heavily on peer-reviewed research studies, academic research institutions, government agencies, and research-backed health and medical websites.

Each article we publish is thoroughly researched, and the sources are double-checked to ensure that they are relevant, recent, objective, and authoritative. Our sources are linked within each article.

Staying current

Our editorial team continually monitors the health and medical atmosphere, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. While we have set a maintenance schedule for our articles, updates are also prompted by:

  • new clinical guidelines
  • drug approvals, bans, or recalls
  • major practice recommendations
  • changes in standard of care
  • reader feedback or concerns

Whenever a reader alerts us about a potential flaw in our content — such as contradictory, inaccurate, unclear, outdated, or misleading information — we act immediately by verifying and researching the feedback and checking to see if revisions are needed before republishing the updated content.

Our style and voice

In line with our resolve to simplify complex health/medical information, we adopt a writing style that focuses on simplicity, accuracy, inclusivity, and empathy. We use positive language that inspires hope and action — while not hiding unpleasant facts. And we are always cautious in our choice of words, seeking to empower our readers and remove stigmas.

Your feedback is welcome

We’re determined to give you the very best user experience. So, we would like to hear from you if there are aspects where we could do better.

If you have any questions or comments about our website’s content or our operations in general, feel free to let us know by visiting this page.